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Privacy Statement

AV Supplier, based in Amsterdam, is responsible for processing personal data as clarified in this privacy statement. For specific inquiries and/or comments relating to this issue, please contact us via email at

Personal data

AV Supplier only process the personal data which are necessary in order to provide you with our products/services and/or if the client provides them to us themselves. Below is an overview of the personal data that we process:

  • First and last name
  • Address details
  • Telephone number(s)
  • Email address(es)
  • Bank account number(s)
  • VAT number(s)
  • CoC Details
  • Special and/or sensitive personal data

    Our website and/or services do not aim to collect data from website visitors. In order for the client to make use of our services, we must have access to certain essential details which allow us to complete our assignment. These details will be used exclusively for production and will be provided by the client via the estimate or contact form on our website, using email.

    We do not ask for a birth date. We can, thus, not see whether details of people under the age of 16 are being shared with us. We advise parents to be involved with the online activities of their children in order to prevent details of children being collected without parental consent.

    Our aim when processing personal data

    AV Supplier processes your personal data for the following reasons:

    In order to contact you regarding essential information relating to products/services

  • The actual performance of our services
  • The settlement of payments
  • Tax declarations
  • We will not use your details for advertising purposes.

    Automated decision-making

    No decisions regarding matters which could have (obvious) consequences for clients will be made by the automated processing on our website. Automated processes are made by computer programmes or systems without human (e.g. an employee) intervention. AV Supplier uses the following computer programmes or systems:

  • Rentman
  • Trans IP
  • Exact
  • Personal data retention period

    AV Supplier will not keep your personal data for any longer than necessary in order to complete the assignment for which the data was collected. We adhere to the statutory fiscal retention period of 7 years.

    Third party sharing of personal data

    AV Supplier will not sell your details to third parties and will only share them when necessary for the completion of a contract or when needed to adhere to a statutory requirement. The companies that process your details on our behalf will receive a processors contract in order to ensure the same level of security and trust regarding your details in all facets of the assignment.


    Our website only uses technical, functional, and analytical cookies which will not infringe on your privacy. A cookie is a small text file which is saved on your computer upon the initial visit to our website using your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The use of cookies is necessary for the technical operations of our website as well as for optimum user friendliness. The cookies ensure that the website works properly and that it remembers your preferences. This allows us to optimise the functionality of our website. You can disable cookies using the preferences menu of your internet browser. You can also delete all saved information using the settings menu of your browser.

    Viewing details, editing or deleting

    You have the right to view, correct, and/or delete your personal data. You also have the right to retract your initial permission regarding the processing of your details as well as the right to formally object to the processing of your personal details by AV Supplier.

    You have the right to data portability. You can submit a request to have your personal details sent as an e-file to you or another organisation (chosen by you). You can send in a request for inspection, correction, removal, or data porting of your personal details or a retraction of your permission/objection to the processing of your personal details to us at To be certain that the request for inspection has been sent by you, we request that you send a copy of your ID along with your request. Please black out the MRZ (machine readable zone, the series of numbers at the bottom of your passport), passport number, and BSN (burgerservicenummer) in the copy you send. This is for the protection of your privacy. We would like to inform you that you can file complaints at the national supervisor, the Authority of Personal Data.

    Protection of personal data

    AV Supplier takes the protection of your personal data very seriously and takes measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorised access, undesired publication, and unwanted changes to your details. If you are under the impression that your details are not well protected or that there are signs of misuse, please contact us via

    AV Supplier, based in Amsterdam, is responsible for the processing of personal data as reflected in this privacy statement. For specific questions and/or comments regarding this, please contact via email.