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Audiovisual supplier Amsterdam

If you're organizing an event in a metropolis like Amsterdam, it's smart to work with local partners. AV Supplier is an audiovisual supplier for corporate events, trade shows, conventions, live events and most importantly is based in Amsterdam! As a result, we have extensive knowledge of local event venues, favorable transportation rates and can move quickly to execute your event.

We can serve you directly and locally with all audiovisual needs for your event, including lighting, sound, video equipment, truss, rigging, stages and decoration. With our warehouse in Amsterdam, we are quickly on location and can offer you immediate audiovisual support.

AV Supplier near Amsterdam RAI

10 minutes! That is the travel time between AV Supplier Amsterdam and the Amsterdam RAI. That makes us the closest audiovisual supplier to this major event venue.

Therefore, you can also find us at the Amsterdam RAI on a daily basis.
We provide for a wide variety of clients, audiovisual support for trade show booths, conventions and other corporate events. From renting a TV on a stand to full audio-visual support for the entire trade show. We will make every effort to make your project a success.

Tell us more about your plans and requirements for your trade show booth or conference and we will be happy to help you bring your brand or company to the attention of the visitors.

Audiovisual supplier needed at Amsterdam RAI?

Where else can you find us in Amsterdam

Some events are inseparable from Amsterdam. Certain fairs have been coming to the capital of the Netherlands for decades. This has given us a unique opportunity as a local audiovisual supplier to take our service for these events and trade shows to the next level. We are therefore happy to assist you when you are participating at one of the following events:

  • Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE)
  • Interclean
  • Intertraffic
  • International Broadcasting Convention
  • Money 20/20
  • Provada
  • Horecava
  • Greentech
  • Hiswa
  • FESPA Global Print Expo
  • Private Label Manufacturers Association

Amsterdam AV technology with an international character

Are you organizing an international congress, conference or business event in one of Amsterdam’s many leading hotels? Then it is good to know that you are completely free to choose the audiovisual supplier for your event. You can choose the in-house supplier of the event venue in question, but it is always good to ask for a comparative quote so you can make an informed decision.

Are you organizing an event at the Mövenpick, Postillion Convention Centre, Okura, Krasnapolsky, Novotel or Van der Valk? Or perhaps at another hotel in Amsterdam? Then we would be happy to provide you with a quote for the audiovisual support for your event.

AV Supplier Amsterdam

With our office in Amsterdam, we are preferred supplier to many event venues in and near the city. Our warehouse is located directlly next to the ring road (A10). This enables us to be at any event venue, such as the Amsterdam RAI, in a matter of minutes.

Let's work together